School Policies

School Routine

i. The school active hours runs from 7:00am to 3:30pm on Monday to Thursday and 7:00am to 1:30pm on Friday.
ii. Students on transport are to be picked from their homes and dropped in their respective homes after school hours.

iii. Other students that are not on the school transport scheme are to be picked up by their parents/guardians. iv. Prior arrangement should be made with the school for whosoever that will be coming to pick any student and a means of clear identification should be provided.

School Supply

The school supplies writing materials for the students and other materials needed are available in the school bookshop for purchase.

School Uniform

i. The school uniform is available for purchase in the school only for uniformity of style and quality material.
ii. The school uniform will be given upon completion of admission process and settlement of the appropriate bill.

iii. DRESS: There are three main types of dress: School uniform (which is to be worn only on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday), Sportswear is to be worn on Wednesday and a green polo shirt which is to be worn every Friday. iv. CARDIGAN: The school also has an official cardigan that can be worn on all uniforms by all students. v. FOOT WEAR: The prescribed foot wear is black shoes with black stocking to be worn on the school uniform and W vi. white canvas with white stockings to be worn on the sport wear. vii. HAIR CUT: The boys are to cut their hair carpet – low while the girls are to plait their hair as the hair style will be called out weekly. Girls are also allowed to cut their hair like the boys if they so wish.


We keep you informed of the developments in our schools with our newsletter. This letter contains relevant information like activities, events, important facts and dates.


Our school maintains a high level of discipline among students and staff. Parents are encouraged to cooperate with the school in enforcing discipline.

School Fees

The school bill for a new term is usually given out at the end of the preceding term and all fees are to be paid into the school account on or before resumption.

Bank tellers should be submitted to the school accountant for payment verification and a receipt will be issued to that effect.


As the school is aware of how stressful it can be in moving from one bookshop to another trying to buy books for your children.The school is easing off this stress

as a book shop fully stocked with books directly from the publisher is available in the school.

Account Number

Account Name: Better Link School
Account Number:
Bank Name: